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Employer Micro Internships

What is a Micro Internship?

Micro internships are short-term, project-based assignments offered by organizations virtually. Projects can take anywhere from one week to a few months to complete and usually range from 5 to 40 hours of work. Projects are designed to be completed year-round and students are usually paid a fixed fee. Micro internships provide a scalable way for employers to engage with talent and students to get hands-on experience.

A micro internship connects companies to students and alumni by engaging in meaningful work that benefits both the company and the candidate. Micro internships allow companies to get projects completed while simultaneously sourcing talent for future, full-time opportunities. Employers can experience a candidate’s skills and work ethic to begin building their talent pipeline. Micro internships can complement existing recruiting efforts by appealing to candidates who might not be able to complete a traditional internship or be ready for a full-time opportunity.

Benefits of Hosting Micro Internships
• Enhance your pipeline of highly motivated talent
• Provide opportunities to diverse candidates
• Improve hiring effectiveness
• Address resource needs with on-demand support
• Evaluate candidates to ensure mutual fit
• Reduce new hire attrition
• Support students’ academic outcomes and career readiness

How to Host Micro Internships
The University of Florida connects employers and candidates to micro internship opportunities through the Parker Dewey* platform. Follow these easy steps to get started: Click the link to the UF -customized site

• Create an account in less than five minutes**
• Post projects for which you are seeking help
• Wait for UF candidates to apply
• Select the best UF candidate(s) for the project

*There is no onboarding cost to your company with Parker Dewey
**All projects posted through Parker Dewey are required to be paid

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If you prefer to post micro internship projects directly to the Career Connections Center job posting site, click here to post on Gator CareerLink.