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2023-2024 Student Outcomes


UF graduate salary and employment data reported out by the OIPR and the center are based solely on UF Graduation Survey student responses. The data shown here does not include supplemental data from additional sources, such as follow-up requests from alumni or data gleaned from social media platforms (e.g. LinkedIn profiles).


The following tips will teach you how to effectively navigate the UF Student Outcomes Dashboard to see UF graduate salary and employment data.

  • Hoving the mouse or insertion point will reveal additional details.
  • Clicking on the reset in the bottom-left corner of the Dashboard will clear all selected filters, resetting the Dashboard back to its original setup.
  • Holding Ctrl on the keyboard allows multiple filters to be selected at once.
  • Selecting options in the drop-down menus for College, Major, Degree Type, and Occupation allow for viewing summary figures for specific subpopulations of student graduates


What: The UF Graduation Survey serves as an ’exit survey’ for all graduating UF students (undergraduate, graduate, Ph.D, etc.), which consists of students’ self-reported student outcome data regarding their post-graduate destinations as well as career/academic related experience while attending UF.

When: The University of Florida’s academic year consists of 3 graduations: Summer, Fall, and Spring (in that order). The UF Graduation Survey is open for graduating students to complete between two weeks prior to Commencement through seven weeks after graduation.

How: The UF Graduation Survey is available for graduating UF students to complete through a survey link in their ONE.UF student portal. More than 95% of UF graduates complete the UF Graduation Survey each academic year.

Results: The University of Florida’s Office of Institutional Research & Planning serves as the data steward for data collected by the UF Graduation Survey. The UF Career Connections Center has a tradition of supporting the OIPR’s student outcome reporting efforts for accreditation, ranking, and strategic stakeholder needs.


– Career Connections Center Employer Consultations
– Raw Data Requests with UF OIPR: Information Request System

*Please note that OIPR data requests will be approved, adjusted, or denied based on business needs, FERPA protections, as well as other institutional policies and ethical considerations. Additionally, the OIPR team maintains a consistently heavy load of institutional projects, so please be patient in awaiting a response.

For additional summary data requests, please contact Rachel Esser at REsser@ufsa.ufl.edu.