As a family member, we know that you are invested in your student’s success at the University of Florida. We also know that you play a critical role in the student’s career and professional development journey – where it be providing advice and guidance or encouraging them to shoot for the stars. Sometimes, we also know that it may seem difficult to have help coach your Gator through the journey, but we here at the Career Connections Center strive to provide you with the resources you will need to help your student be the most successful Gator graduate.
Six Ways to Assist Your Student:
- Encourage your student to seek out new experiences personally and academically. Diverse experiences will help prepare students for the world of work.
- Ask your student about their strengths. Discuss how your student can continue learning more about themselves.
- Connect your student to information about career paths. Ask questions that will motivate your student to seek information needed. Consider how your own contacts could provide valuable information for your student.
- Refer your student to a Career Planning appointment to help them create flexible career goals with a Career Connections Center coach
- Inspire your student to attend career events, information sessions, and workshops each semester. These events can connect students to job opportunities, help develop their professional skills, and create a strong network.
- Support your student throughout the career exploration and job search process. Students need encouragement and motivation to navigate the process.
Opportunities to Engage with the Career Center
- Support the Center
- Gator Career Consultant
- Gators Hiring Gators
- Gator Career Closet
We are happy to answer any career related question from parents/families of UF students and alumni. However, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) restricts our office from releasing any information from a student’s education record to parents without written permission from students/alumni.
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