Career Influencer Awards
The University of Florida Career Influencer Awards celebrate the collaboration and innovation of our partners who have had an exceptional impact on career development and career engagements during the preceding academic year. January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024, Award nominations will be accepted through March 15, 2025. All awards will be presented at the Career Connections Center’s annual Faculty and Staff Career Symposium on April 25, 2025. Nominees are not required to have had a direct collaboration with the Career Connections Center in their impact on the University of Florida. Self-nominations are accepted.
Deadline to Apply: March 15, 2025


Fixel Institute

International Scholars Program


Amanpreet Kapoor

Bernadine Thomas

Lucy Searcy

The Women's Network


Kimley Horn

Fixel Institute

International Scholars Program

Dustin Karp

UF BME Undergraduate Team


Pingchien Neo

Dr. Pouya Ameli

Dr. Robin Moorman Li

Dr. May Mansy

Dr. Sharon DiFino

Dr. Elizabeth Gadsby

Amanpreet Kapoor

Dr. Margarita Vargas-Betancourt

Dr. Frederick Kates

Dr. Stacey Curtis

Caleb Chambliss

Catherine Coe

Chip Johnson

Douglas Jackson

Bernadine Thomas

Lucy Searcy

Eric Segal

Brittany Honeycutt

The Women's Network

American Marketing Association

Eric Esterline
Department of Media Production, Management, and Technology

Danielle Shu
Food & Resource Economics

Marc Diaz
Microsoft, UF Alumni (Computer Science)

UF Department of Psychology




The Selling Factory

Invisors LLC

Elizabeth Calienes
CJC Advertising

Dr. Zachary Gohsman
Department of Pediatrics

Dr. Rebecca Piazza
PHHP Dept. of Occupational Therapy

Dr. Misti Sharp
UF Food and Resource Economics

Dr. Ashley Allen-Durrance
UF College of Veterinary Medicine

Dana McPherson
Strategic Communications and Marketing

Steven Ghulamani
International Office

Sarah Eberhart
College of Health and Human Performance

Jarron Papale
CLAS Academic Resources

Martin Noguera

Tony Celluci
Housing and Residence Life

Jody Green
Harn Museum of Art

Heavener School of Business Experiential Learning Department

Path to Purpose
Brown Center for Leadership and Service

Changemakers' Dialogue

Brittany Grubbs-Hodges
Lecturer and Experiential Learning Coordinator
Beyond120, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Sarah Furtney
Instructional Assistant Professor & Undergraduate Coordinator
Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering, Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering

Lisa D'Souza
Director, Career & Leadership Programs
Heavener School of Business,Warrington College of Business

Talline Martins
Director, Graduate Professional Development
Office of Graduate Professional Development, The Graduate School

The Agency
College of Journalism and Communications

Department of Animal Sciences Livestock Units
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Cece Shulz
Director of Student Engagement University of Florida David F. Miller Retail Center

UF Organization for Graduate Student Advancement

The School District of Lee County

Dr. Mary Risner
Associate Director, Outreach and Business Programs
Center for Latin American Studies

Cece Shulz
Director of Student Engagement University of Florida David F. Miller Retail Center