Employer Recruiting Policies and Procedures
The University of Florida (UF) expects our students and alumni to adhere to the high level of professional conduct when participating in on-campus interviewing activities. Students are held accountable for inappropriate or unethical behavior. We also expect that employers participating in on-campus interviewing activities at UF abide by the same legal and ethical principles. We encourage all employers to use the Principles for Professional Conduct (NACE) as a guide.
The following conditions apply to posting a job on Gator CareerLink (GCL) database:
• All organizations must agree to all EEO / Affirmative Action requirements and guidelines
• No fees of any kind will be charged to students or alumni
• GCL will not be used to solicit business of any kind
• No job posting will be allowed by Third-Party Recruiters representing organizations that have not already completed the necessary Third-Party Recruiter forms
submit the request in writing to the C3. Please send these requests to HireGators@ufsa.ufl.edu. Please provide the job ID# and student name and UF ID (if possible) in the request. For pre-select schedules, the C3 staff will add the student as “pending”, and the employer may then choose whether or not to invite the student for an interview. The C3 will communicate this action to the student.
Requesting OCI Schedules with Multiple Job Postings
Employers who wish to set up OCI schedules with multiple job postings must follow the following procedure:
1. Request one schedule in GCL. Include the number of rooms that you would like in that request.
2. If you are recruiting for several different position types (part-time, full-time, etc.) use the “control button” to select all of the types of positions for which you will be recruiting.
3. Attach all jobs to that schedule
4. Do not assign rooms to the schedule.
5. At least 72 hours prior to the close of the posting and via email to HireGators@ufsa.ufl.edu, provide detailed instructions about how you would like your schedule set up (How many schedules you ultimately want, how many rooms, which jobs assigned to which rooms, length of interviews) and a member of the Recruitment Relations team will set up the multiple schedules for you.
For job postings, Third Parties must complete our outlined Third-Party Recruiter documents for verification of use of this service.
For Career Fairs, we require Third-Party Recruiters are required to complete our official Third-Party Recruiter Forms in order to use Career Connections Center’s services. Third-party recruiters are only permitted to attend career events for the purpose of filling position vacancies within their own organizations. Third-party recruiters must submit their specific job vacancies along with event registration in order to be approved to attend any event. Third-Party Recruiters are not granted access to resume books.
When requesting this option, certain conditions apply:
• All organizations must comply with all EEO/Affirmative Action guidelines and requirements
• Interviews begin at 8:30 a.m. and the last interview of the day ends at 5 p.m.
• A copy of the employer interview schedule must be provided to the C3 prior to the employer’s interview day
• Only UF students and alumni will be interviewed
Students must contact us as soon as they secure an interview and realize they will not be able to physically be present for the on-campus interview. We require at least five business days for students to submit their written request for alternative on-campus interviewing arrangements to be confirmed. The student’s written alternative interview request must include the details of their interview and their recommended alternative method to conduct the interview (i.e., phone, Skype, etc.). We will contact the employer and relay the employer’s decision. We cannot guarantee that a student will be able to exchange an on-campus interview for an alternative interviewing method.
As a result, we ask that you grant UF students the same courtesy and not withdraw job offers that have been accepted by candidates. Though economic challenges may require difficult decisions, we invite you to contact us first so that we can work on an alternative plan to minimize the impact on UF students.
Job Offer Deadline Policy
To offer students adequate time to carefully consider their employment options and to make an informed decision, we ask that employers adhere to the Job Offer Deadline established by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
We want you to hire the best candidates and for our students to obtain the best opportunity for them. For these reasons, our Job Offer Policy is as follows:
• For Fall Semester recruiting the offer should be extended until November 1, or the student should be provided with at least three weeks from the date of offer to either accept or decline.
• For Spring Semester recruiting the offer should be extended until April 1, or the student should be provided with at least three weeks from the date of the offer to either accept or decline.
Exploding Offers Policy
We do not endorse the practice of “Exploding Offers.”
The two most common types of exploding offers occur:
• When employers require candidates to accept an offer within a very short time frame.
• When employers extend more offers than openings available and tell all students that offers will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
We ask that organizations do not put undue pressure on candidates to make quick decisions about their offers. The response time needed to evaluate the offer will vary depending upon the point in the recruiting cycle that the employer extends the offer, the graduation date of the candidate, their planned target date for a final decision, and other potential student needs.
Renege Policy
The extension of a job offer is a major commitment between the employer and candidate; an employer should only make this type of commitment if they intend to honor it.
Reneging on job offer acceptances can severely damage your reputation as a viable employer, for not only the short term but potentially during the duration of your presence at the University of Florida. To avoid a reneging situation, we advise all employers to carefully plan and manage your entire job hiring process.
Employers that renege on job offers will be contacted by one of our senior staff members to discuss the consequences of reneging on a job offer for the candidate(s) involved and the employer’s reputation on campus.
This policy applies to reservations in both the C3 and Reitz Union rooms. The reservation period begins after the first day of classes for each semester and concludes the last day of classes for each semester. Reservations are not permitted during school breaks (i.e., holidays or Spring Break) or finals week.
Employer Hosted Events Held in the C3
You must submit cancellations of all employer hosted events in writing. Employer Hosted Events held in the C3 are restricted to 3-hour time blocks. Employers that request an Employer Hosted Event for more than 3 hours will incur an additional fee. This time block includes set-up and tear down time for the event. If the event does not conclude at the pre-determined time of the event allotment, the employer will be charged a pro-rated hourly rate.
Employer Hosted Events Held in the C3 Cancellation Policy
You must submit cancellations of all employer hosted events in writing.
Cancelations must be made by 12 p.m noon the day before the employer hosted event (e.g., 12 p.m. noon on Friday for employer hosted events on Monday). If you are hosting an employer hosted event within the C3 or an academic classroom please send all email cancellations to HireGators@ufsa.ufl.edu. If you are hosting an employer hosted event within the Reitz Union please send all email cancellations to EventServices@ufsa.ufl.edu.
If you do not cancel your employer hosted event prior to the deadline, the first offense will result in a warning email, while the second offense will result in a cancelation fee of $35.00.
• Register for an upcoming Career Showcase (registration fee per table)
• Purchase Resume Books for a fee of $1,500
Access is provided for one semester. Employer access will begin once your Career Showcase registration has been confirmed or your purchase of Resume Books is complete. Access will expire on the final day of classes, each semester. For more information, please contact HireGators@ufsa.ufl.edu. Only the registering/requesting contact will have access to resume books.
Cancellations received by the deadline date will receive a full refund. All cancellations must be submitted in writing via email to HireGators@ufsa.ufl.edu. No cancellations will be accepted over the phone or after a cancellation deadline.
No Show Policy without Cancellation
Registered organizations that fail to properly cancel their registration for C3 services and ‘no-show’ the day of the event will be charged the full event service fee.
If fees are involved, this information must be explicitly included in the position description. The required information includes fees for certain federal and state licensing requirements (i.e., real estate, securities, etc.). We reserve the right to remove/deny positions that do not conform to these guidelines.