Experience Changes Everything: Part-Time Work

April 5 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

DATE: April 5

TIME: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm




Part time work can be a competitive advantage. Come to this session to have casual career conversations with Gator Alumni whose part time work experience has impacted their career journey. If you want to network with alumni to explore a variety of on and off campus options, and get advice on how to find and maximize part time work opportunities as a vital part of your UF experience, this session is right for you.

Please add to contact Anna Steffanini at asteffanini@ufl.edu for questions about the event.

Registration Link: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/99850359911?pwd=bmVlTWQzUWE5WXVadnF0WUdoVXNoZz09


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