Three Proven Ways to Create A Career Action Plan

Developing and executing a career plan can be a bit daunting even if you are armed with information to help you through the process. Here at UF’s Career Connections Center, we seek to assist you in becoming career ready by sharing related best practices based on theory as well as by providing insight on industry trends and adapting our resources to reflect any changes.

Where you get your information matters, as relying on unreliable material can make your career path unnecessarily rocky. Below are a few tips to help you avoid falling victim to misinformation.

1. Connect with reputable employers

If you are searching a job database ensure that you are connecting with employers that have been vetted so that you limited your chances of being preyed upon by fraudulent individuals. The Career Connections Center connects students online with employers by way of Gator CareerLink. Employers that utilize Gator CareerLink are screened by a member of the Career Connections Center. Should a suspicious employer sneak through the cracks, the Career Connections Center flags the account and notifies the UF body.

2. Connect and/or create a trusted network

Connecting with staff or a faculty member that has an understanding of an industry of interest could mean you will gain information which may help you further develop your career path. Many of the individuals in your College have industry experience and knowledge that they are willing to share with you…just ask. Connecting with people that share your same career interest is a great way to gain information while also strengthening your professional brand. You may also limit the amount of misinformation that you follow as you have a network to share your ideas and materials with. If you need assistance with networking, the Career Connections Center offers workshops on the topic.

3. Connect with the Career Connections Center

Admitting that you need assistance can be a bit discouraging, especially if you enjoy your independence. When it comes to sifting out misinformation, knowing you have a team that is willing to help you navigate your career path should hopefully put your mind at ease. Take advantage of a career planning session and/or attend an event of interest hosted by the Career Connections Center. We are here to make sure you are career ready.

This is not an exhaustive list of tips, but rather an introduction as to how you can avoid bad career information.

Who do you rely on to receive credible career advice?

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